I had one heck of a week at work. Our trucks are fairly well maintained but this week just took the cake. Thursday the one I was driving seems to have some kind of problem we can not diagnose but it still runs. Friday I started out with my regular truck and everything was fine until I left Buckhead heading for midtown. Half way there the heat needle went wild and the power steering went dead. I made it to my destination but when I went back to the truck I noticed a small oil spot on the ground which at that time I thought was water. On investigation I found out that the fan belt had broken and in the process had severed a hose to the transmission.
I called for a wrecker and had the truck towed to the dealership after a 2 hour wait. My boss brought me another truck that had just returned from its route. We transferred the stuff and I took off in it. After a few miles I noticed that the this truck was acting erratic..I thought the turbo was going out but it kept running so I finished my route ..at times getting down to 25 miles an hour on the freeway making all the folks behind me ecstatic I am sure. When I finished my route I limped the truck back the same dealership that I had taken the first one of the day.
When my boss came to get me he had to bring the Thursday truck for me to drive back to the office. Fortunately it was still working well enough for me to make it back to the office and I finnally got to go home approximately 4 hours late but in one piece. I found this little account about a Civil War General who seemed to have a similar experience so I thought I would post it here:
General John Alexander McClernand, commanded infantry during the Civil War. Having already had several horses shot from under him during the fighting, the general was again on horseback with an aide holding his horse’s reins when a Rebel bullet severed the reins. ‘This is getting damned annoying,’ McClernand reportedly exclaimed.
I know how he felt.